Assalamualaikum wbt (tak jawab dosa hihihi ;p),
Happy thursday everyone,
Finally i got a chance to write about my so-called-DIY ..Eventho i'd already post it before..hiihi ;p So this is it, i still not good enough, and still learning by myself through orang-orang lain yang stylo punya belog. I bet u'olls semua dah tau kan kiter skang nie mudah terikut-ikut dengan new trend.Now dah macam-macam pants yang kuar dekat pasaran.A variety of pants and one of the popular pants sekarang ni is Harem pants, Harem Pants..Tapared pants.Seluar ni tengah popular & in skang..Sure korang pun dah ada satu kan???
FYI,harem pants ada banyak jenis tau..Yang jenis kaki tercekik kt bawah tu ala-ala ali baba bujang lapuk ;p, yang stail cerut dengan getah kat bawah & macam-macam pattern lagi la..But u'olls have to know la what types of pants yang u'olls nak pakai,, make sure it suitable wif ur body size ok.
Happy thursday everyone,
Finally i got a chance to write about my so-called-DIY ..Eventho i'd already post it before..hiihi ;p So this is it, i still not good enough, and still learning by myself through orang-orang lain yang stylo punya belog. I bet u'olls semua dah tau kan kiter skang nie mudah terikut-ikut dengan new trend.Now dah macam-macam pants yang kuar dekat pasaran.A variety of pants and one of the popular pants sekarang ni is Harem pants, Harem Pants..Tapared pants.Seluar ni tengah popular & in skang..Sure korang pun dah ada satu kan???
FYI,harem pants ada banyak jenis tau..Yang jenis kaki tercekik kt bawah tu ala-ala ali baba bujang lapuk ;p, yang stail cerut dengan getah kat bawah & macam-macam pattern lagi la..But u'olls have to know la what types of pants yang u'olls nak pakai,, make sure it suitable wif ur body size ok.
Harem pants!Preppy. Corporate. Casual. A myriad of choices.

Hey jangan jeles tau, i've already pickup one..But im not really sure what type of my pant it is..Sekali imbas macam baggy kan ;p

DIY Style :
Full pant : 22th June,
Turtleneck Sleeves -ZARA,
Inner Neck -Ika Radiusite
Green Pashmina - No brand!
That's all for now!
Xoxo - Mrs.Lynna
nice! look good on you :) i pakai harem tak ok pon. boohoo T.T
harem pant mmg best..
ReplyDeleteili : tu bukan harem pants tau.i mcm tak yakin nk pakai sb segan bler masukkan baju kat dlm..hehe..btw nice blog do u hav..try nk leave function disabled ..tatau asal ;(
ReplyDeletemiyoki : tak berani nk pakai
ReplyDeletefolo & BW..
ReplyDeletemehla jenguk belog ai..nice to know u!(^_^)
p/s:awak sgt gorgeous..
NOREMY : tq ;)
ReplyDeletehuhu my blog xley right click lyna, left click saja.hiks :) tu la. maybe sbb tuck in kot kan.i bli pakai kat rumah je.ceh
ReplyDeletei pun tatau kot my pc ni yg kat ofis mmg probs sket biler i nak coment2 kat blog owang..hehe..i like ur diapers bag
ReplyDeletesape amik gambar korang laki bini nih? kembar 2 org tu ke? kih3
ReplyDeleteCantik pakai seluar tu Lyna..memang kena sangat
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ReplyDeletekak..nape nampak badan cam dah kurus sgt...tapi akk still cute la!;)
ReplyDeletecantik k.lynna..
ReplyDeletepadan..orgnyer kecil molek..:)
harem pants ni i rasa sesuai dgn certain body shape jer kot...tapi u punya pants tu cantik,ala2 baggy
ReplyDeletelyna..cuba pakai belt..hehe..
ReplyDeletejaja ; belt tertinggal..hehe.tu psl bju dikeluarkan..tak msk alik dlm...hiihih
ReplyDeletedark rose ;( yeke..rasa cm dh berisi sket dah
ReplyDeletemungelily ; eh slh not kecik2 one but tall2 one..hehe