DIY Style :Dorothy Perkins,Calvin Klien Jeans,MAYsaa Scarf
MUA by myself: Bobbi Brown Pallete Eyeshadow, Simplyct Eyeliner & Foundation, Ronasutra Mineralized Powder,Honey Freshkon & Estee Lauder Lipgloss & MAC Shimmer Blush
Making your own STYLE is a really valuable skill."Personal style", the way people express themselves :) I don't follow any designer or any particular style strictly,,I go with my mood..I'm inspired by colour and makeup also, so I often match my scarves with my makeup if I'm going out. I wear what I'm comfortable wif, n its make me realize tht i feel and look good :)
TIPS TOP/TOP TIPS :Try out a lots of hijab styles and find the one that most suits your style and face shape
Be yourself and feel comfortable in what you wear
Never, ever be afraid to experiment!
cantek!!! suka tgk~~~
ReplyDeletecantik! :)
ReplyDeleteLynna, kalau maskarakan tebal2 mata dan pakai fake eyelash Lynna suka tak? Rasa lagi da bomb kot..try la..nanti kami review kan..hehee..(macam pengkritik pesen pulak dah)..Tapi kalau Lynna tak suka tak apa la..ni suggestion je nih..saya tak reti sangat mekap2 ni..
ReplyDeletecantik...i suka =)
ReplyDeletecantek betul kulit akk..pki foundation n bedaka pe ye?promote sikit :)
ReplyDeleteorg suke style akak...simple tp smart!
salam kak lynna,
ReplyDeletei can see clearly through the pics, you are genuinely into fashion.no single trace of fakeness.
nini yang penah hantar emel kat kak lynna once upon a time,dan sangat teharu dengan lengthy response from akak.thank u ye kak lina.nanti nini balik france nini order!
lina rahim : dh beli false eyelashes..tp siyesly lyna tak pandaii pakai lerr..sekali jek pakai seumur idup masa kawen hr tuw........hehhe n one more thing masacara pun lyna tak brapa reti jugak nak pakai.sb slalu pakai comotttt ;D insya Allah akan try ;)
ReplyDeletebetol2...jgn takut untuk mencuba..
ReplyDeletenini : okahhhhhhhhh nini ;)should b okayyyy
ReplyDeleteagreed wif chacha//hehehe///sha cpt2 la meniaga shawl!
ReplyDeletenaddy n liyana :) tqqq tau tp biasa2 ajek
ReplyDeletemrsbifa : heeee..leyh rujuk previous entry psl bedak ronasutra n my temurun skincare
ReplyDeletetq cik pepel..akak tak sytlooooooo sptmana bloggers lain :)
ReplyDeletecantek la akak... dressing pun cantek..
ReplyDeleteakak cantik sgt2...pasni boleh wat tuto utk makeup lak ea..
ReplyDeletekeep in tach ok. =)
boleh ke cik lynna buat tutorial utk pemakaian hijab spr kak lynna.I really love it.
ReplyDeletelawanye k.lyna...suke sgt tgok...
ReplyDeletebe true...
ReplyDeleteakak cantik la cara akak makeup ni..bleh bagi tips tak mcmane nk makeup cantik mcm ni..pakai bedak ronasutra ek..