nak pegi ke tak??

yahhh..i've decide to go ...
prof.syed mohsin dah byr utk 1 table 4 clinical research dpartment.
rm100 per i;ve should go utk memeriahkan majlis.
but i still hv da probss.. the theme of da charity nyte is red n white colour..
tenciii red dress masih tak ketemuk2 lg
mayb..aku akan pinjam dress adik aku..
@ i should bought a new red dress for da coming dinner.
hows bout da makeover??..aku dh pg tny kat bodyshop outlet..
katenya tak buat makeover sempena cuti skolah..
maybe aku ke intan lyanaz bridal centre..hehe.;)
mtk tlg dier makeover 4 my uglly face.
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