taggy time

.Taggy Time. I’v been tagged by yaya

1. Where were you at 3:18pm yesterday?
- my office

2. How did you get the idea for your friendster name?
- bcoz its my nickname

3. What song are you listening to right now?
- tak dgr lagu pun lageyh…

4 . What color is your phone?
- red. Da red one

6. Do you own an iPod?
- No i don't hav 4 a ryte now

7. What was the first thing you
thought this morning?
x sbr nak beli cam

8. what are you going to do tomorrow?
- jd driver my lil sis./

9. What did you do last night?
- updated my blog..chatting wif che kud

10 . What's your favorite memory from
this week?
- Emm.erm…takderrrr!

11. What are the last two digits of
your phone number?
- 24

12. What was the last thing that you
-iceberg big apple donuts

13 . Who is the last girl/boy that you
- huhhh??u thinked?

14 . What was the last movie you
- x igt dah..30 days of nights kot ..

15 . Do you have your own car?
- no1!maybe next year..i "ll drive with ma own car..;p

16. What food are you craving?
- byk..byk.

17.What did you dream last night?
- rasenya tak bermimpi..

18 . What was the last TV show you
- ezora…hehehe

19. Do you always lock your door?
- yup!!

20 . Are you on any medication?
- tak pasti…

21 . What side of the bed do you sleep
- left side...

22 . What color shirt are you wearing?
- blue..blue..

23. What is your favorite frozen
- mini popper jgk ;)

24 .How many Piercings/tattoos do you
- jwpn sama mcm yaya bley tak?hikhik..

25. What's your favorite store?
-hanbag / shoes

26. Do you care what people say/think
about you?
- Sometimes..

27. Have you ever done something to
make trouble?
- kadang-kadang jek…

28. Where do you wish you were right
- pasir mas...hahahah!

29. What is your font color on IM?
- verdana kottt..

30. Where do you live?
- my home.

31. Where's your father?
- ader kt dpn…tgh tgk tv

32. Do you like the person who posted
this last?
- ;)

33. Do you know his/her birthday?
- agak..agak?hehehe

32. What would you want to change
about yourself?
- ntah//byk sgt…

33. What do you wanna do with your
heart right now?
- memujuk hati sendiri..heeee

34. Who you would like to tag?
- anyone…
This is what bloggers do if they dont have anything else to update right?


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